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Resilience, Exploration, Aspiration and Positivity

Governing Body & Governance

A warm welcome from our Chair of Governors

It is with great pleasure that I warmly welcome you to the Kemsley Primary Academy School website, on behalf of the Local Governing Board. I am very proud to have been elected as Chair of Governors and we have a highly committed, experienced and skilful team of governors working very hard to support our Headteacher and staff. We hold high aspirations for the school and we want the very best for all children.

The Local Governing Body is responsible for all matters relating to Kemsley Primary Academy, including teaching and learning, safeguarding, health and safety, staffing, premises and ensuring financial accountability and sustainability. The Local Governing Body meets once every half term and acts as a ‘critical friend’, supporting and challenging the Headteacher and leaders.

Should you wish to contact us to discuss any matter further, please do so by first contacting our Headteacher, Miss Homer.

Kind regards

Scott Edwards

Chair of Governors    


What is a school governor?
The role of a governor is to act as a critical friend to the school. School governors provide a robust and consistent challenge as they review the progress and achievement of pupils. Our governors are very present, visiting the school regularly, observing lessons, speaking to children and hearing their thoughts on what they are doing and how they feel at school.  They also speak to the staff to understand how they feel things are going across the school.
The governing body also watch how the senior leadership team of the school use the resources and funding at their disposal to ensure the children have the best possible opportunity to maximise their potential during their time at Kemsley Primary Academy.

Overall, the governing body work with the senior leadership team at the school to ensure that children have a safe, nurturing and stimulating place to learn, not just the core subjects the school offers like reading, writing and maths, but also the values and behaviours that the governing body believe will give them the best possible start in life.

If you want to contact the Chair of Governors, Mr Edwards, on any matter concerning the school, then please email:

The governors are here to listen and to help where they can.


Mr Scott Edwards – Chair of Governors
Business Declarations: Deputy Headteacher at another school
Type of Governor: Co-opted Governor
Term of Office:  04/12/2021 – 03/12/2025
Area of Responsibility: Leadership & Management, Pupil Premium, Sports Premium, Finance & Data

I joined the governing body in March 2018 and currently have a daughter in Year 4 at the school. I have three other children who have also attended the school between 2010 and 2021 and have successfully progressed in their educational journey, as a result of of the teaching and learning and enrichment opportunities they received during their time at Kemsley Primary Academy.

In addition to being Chair of Governors, my key responsibilities are academic outcomes and pupil premium.

My employment background is in Education and I am currently a Deputy Headteacher in a large Secondary School in Medway. I hold a 2:1 BSc HONS degree in Geography as well as a PGCE in secondary education. This experience puts me in a privileged position to fully support the school in its journey to raise academic outcomes and offer every pupil the very best enrichment experience during their seven year journey at Kemsley.

I am very much looking forward to working with the other members of the board to ensure the ongoing exceptional education our children receive.  

Andy Macrow - Vice Chair
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Co-opted Governor
Term of Office:  21/11/2023 – 20/11/2027 
Area of Responsibility: Safeguarding, Leadership & Management, Early Years & Administration


I have lived in Kemsley for over 25 years and, until I was asked about joining the governing body, I had no contact with Kemsley Primary Academy.  As I soon discovered, that was my loss and I am more than delighted to be one of the governors at this small but very, very good school.

In my younger days, I was fortunate to have some great teachers from whom I learned many good disciplines.  The grounding they provided served me well during more than 50 years  working for insurance companies, shipowners and solicitors, dealing with all types of shipping-related claims worldwide.  I have an eye for detail and a tenacious approach to life in general that I hope will prove useful.

The teaching staff at Kemsley Primary Academy work tirelessly in their endeavours to develop the open and enquiring minds that the pupils will need in the future.  Working with my fellow governors and acting as a critical friend, I am determined to provide every support to the head and to the staff to ensure that all the pupils have the opportunity to leave Kemsley at least as well-prepared as I was all those years ago.



Mike Dendor - Governor
Business Declarations: KCC Councillor
Type of Governor: Trust Appointed Governor
Term of Office:  12/07/2021 – 11/07/2025
Area of Responsibility: SEND & Inclusion, Early Years & Data

My name is Mike Dendor. Following 30 years of school governance at various schools in Midlands and Kent, I originally joined the governing body of Kemsley Primary, soon after its initial opening, as an LEA (Local Education Authority) governor (and for some of the time Chair of Governors). During those years, we federated with Milton Court Primary. When both Kemsley and Milton Court Primaries became academies, I was elected as a Trust-appointed governor (sometimes Chair of Governors), eventually resigning from Milton Court Academy to concentrate on Kemsley Academy.

I am retired, father of 4 and grandfather of six. My employment background over 55 years has been in ICT/Operations Research across all disciplines including finance, and I still do some freelance work. I was a Swale Borough Councillor for Kemsley from 2015 to 2023, and I am currently Kent County Councillor for Sittingbourne North which includes Kemsley. My focus at Kent County Council is on CYPE (Children and Young People in Education) specifically SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities).  I am also involved with a number of local charities.     

My experience has covered all aspects of school governance. I am at the disposal of the school and Governors to cover anything they wish me to work on, to help ensure that children of all abilities at nursery and primary ages get the best possible education and start in life.


Bridie Earney – Staff Governor
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Staff Elected Governor
Term of Office:  22/03/2023 – 21/03/2027
Area of Responsibility: SEND & Inclusion

My name is Bridie Earney and I have worked at Kemsley Primary Academy for 2 and a half years. I started as a 1:1 TA in year 6 before moving down to Year R working as a 2:1. I am now currently the TA for year 1.

I have two children of my own who are aged 16 and 13.

Before working at Kemsley I ran Ickle Bites Cake Company. I started this business in 2012 in my kitchen and grew it into a business with a shopfront on the high street.

I am passionate about ensuring all children are safeguarded and can fulfil their full potential whatever their background, special educational needs or disabilities.

I feel as a Governor it is important to support all senior leaders but also to share productive views and opinions that will help them to put in place things that will allow the children of Kemsley Primary Academy to thrive.


Martin Baker: Governor
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Trust Appointed Governor
Term of Office:  01/07/2021 – 30/06/2025
Area of Responsibility: Safeguarding

My name is Martin Baker. I have served as an appointed governor at Kemsley Primary Academy since July 2021. Born in Swale, I have attended schools in Sittingbourne, and I have family in the local area. Having worked overseas in the mining industry, I returned to Kent during 2020.

A firm believer in the power of education and the opportunities it can bring, I hold qualifications in geology and finance. I provide expertise to the school regarding quality of education and safeguarding.


Lucy Bond: Staff Governor
Business Declarations: None
Type of Governor: Staff Elected Governor
Term of Office:  28/09/2020 – 27/09/2024 (term of office due to be extended)
Area of Responsibility: Community & Website

My name is Lucy Bond, I have worked at Kemsley Primary Academy since 2008, primarily as a teaching assistant whilst I studied at Canterbury Christ Church University for my BA (Hons) degree in Childhood Studies with SEN specialism.   Once qualified I taught in KS1 for four years and became KS1 Lead.  Over the last four years I have taught in Year 6 and progressed from KS2 Lead to Lead Practitioner across the whole school; supporting teaching and learning in both KS1 and KS2. During this time, I have completed my National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML) and my National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL). 

In addition to my senior leadership role, I am also Literacy Lead, Phonics Lead, MFL Lead, our 11B411 Ambassador and became a school governor in September 2021. 

As a member of the Senior Leadership Team at Kemsley, I take an active and forward-thinking role in the school improvement and self-evaluation process, both as a member of the Senior Leadership Team and as a Staff Governor.  I take an active role in developing the key priorities determined in our School Improvement Plan (SIP) to drive school improvement forward to ensure that all children reach their full potential and become life-long learners.  


Sarah Carter: Parent Governor
Business Declarations: 
Type of Governor: Parent Elected Governor
Term of Office:  17/06/2024 – 16/06/2028
Area of Responsibility: Quality of Teaching, Sports Premium, Community and Website & Healthy and Safety

My name is Sarah Carter, and I am proud to serve as a Parent Governor at our school. I have a son who is currently in Year 2, and while my professional background is not in education, I bring a wealth of experience in human resource management, leadership, health and safety, and internal quality assurance.


I joined the board of governors with the intention of making a meaningful impact on the school and sharing my expertise to facilitate improvements wherever possible. I am particularly passionate about fostering an environment where each child can build their personal resilience, seize opportunities for exploration, and actively strive to be the best version of themselves. I firmly believe in the power of aspiration and positivity and am committed to ensuring that these values are at the forefront of each and every pupils educational journey at Kemsley Primary Academy. 



Alex Edwards: Parent Governor
Business Declarations: Married to Chair of Governors
Governor at Milstead & Frinstead,
& a Governor at Petham Primary School

Type of Governor: Parent Elected Governor
Term of Office:  17/06/2024 – 16/06/2028
Area of Responsibility: Quality of Teaching, Pupil Premium, Finance & GDPR



Iris Homer: Headteacher
Business Declarations: Partner at school
Type of Governor: Trust Appointed
Term of Office:  01/01/2020 – ongoing
Area of Responsibility: Headteacher

My name is Iris Homer. I am proud to be the Headteacher of Kemsley Primary Academy. I joined Kemsley and REAch2 in January 2020. Prior to joining Kemsley, I was a senior leader for four years and I have worked in education for just over 18 years. During my time at Kemsley, I have remained committed to ensuring every one of our pupils reaches their full potential and develops a passion for life-long learning.

I am so fortunate to work alongside a fantastic, hardworking team of staff and be both supported and challenged by a proactive and diligent governing body. I am so proud to lead our school, where our pupils are so incredibly polite, kind, and caring and always try their very best in all that they do! Go Team Kemsley!


Tracey Rose - Clerk to Governors

My name is Tracey Rose. I am the Governance Professional, also known as the Clerk to the Governing Body. I have been involved with Kemsley Primary School since 2014 and enjoy working with the governors. I have been a governor at a secondary school for the last 16 years so I know the governor role very well. 


We currently have 9 members on our Local Governing Body:

 1x Headteacher

2x Staff Governors

2x Parent Governors

2x Co-opted Governors (appointed by governors)

2x Appointed Governors (appointed by the Trust)

We are clerked by a highly experienced Governance Professional, who ensures that we discharge our statutory obligations in accordance with the REAch2 Scheme of Delegation.


Governing Body meetings happen six times a year, with the key focus alternating between Quality of Education and Resources & Enrichment. 

As well as attending meetings, governors are expected to arrange visits to schools, linked to the area of specific focus agreed at the start of the year. It is a requirement that each governing body has a named governor linked to:

  • Safeguarding
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Statutory Grants

In addition, we appoint governors to oversee the progress on the school priorities for the year. 

Governors also regularly attend training, to ensure that they are kept up to date on the ever-changing educational landscape.


REAch2 Governance on a Page: